REAL – America is the best nation in the world! But we cannot lose it to the ultra rich and elite.

By: Joshua Gayman


We can get back to the lifestyle we all want. But it will take REAL revolutionary change, and their will be massive sacrifice. But which is worse? To live as a slave or die as a free man? We have a compromise on our hands amongst freedom and slavery. We are all slaves to money. Fear is a distressing negative sensation induced by a perceived threat. We are living in a state of distressing negative sensation that continues to get worse each day as we work harder and longer while our quality of life diminishes. Every day that we compromise our time and labor for less and less is a day we must fight to get back.

Money is a man-made commodity – thus, we can easily wipe out our national debt by ending the dollar now. We must reclaim our own government so that to serve us. This would require a new federal government. we then need a new currency, banking system, and education system.

Do you want a good future and freedom for your children? If yes, then you must not be lazy. Too many people are choosing to labor for 10 hours per day rather than stop for 10 minutes and realize the full potential of their brain.

The global banking system has not only been the path to greater wealth for, but has at the same time been the vehicle through which the ultra rich have controlled and managed the enormous resources of our planet, and continue to do so. These resources are not limited to commodities. They include humans.

The rich love bubbles and they love depressions. When the rich desire for more man-made things, they allow more money to flow through the world. When they need to cash in on their *Dear Money, they simply constrict the money supply as to collect on all of the resources(collateral) that they “lent” to the people using their made up currency. At this time unemployment is no problem for the rich, but rather they find it to their benefit. The more unemployment, the more relief. The more relief, the more bonds. The more bonds, the more taxes. The more taxes, the more interest coupons they are able to clip on their bonds.” This means that the government becomes in more debt to them. When the government is in debt to them, WE are in debt to them. The government does not pay taxes, they are actually funded from taxes. Only WE pay taxes.

An international banker said in a letter to his son in 1932 in regards to control over man via money, “If young men like those in charge of our national finances can carry over the program as now laid out, we have the foundation of a great international hegemony of finance. The power given to the board to remove officers and directors anywhere in the country is a bold and masterful stroke of legislation. Of course, while these things will be done under the pretense of preventing bank failures, they will in fact, galvanize the central banking power down to the smallest village. Credit can then be so controlled that political uprising will be impossible and credit extension can be used strictly to hold class distinction tightly within bounds.… This is not so difficult as you might at first hand suppose. To properly do so, it is only necessary to control the letters which, on our modern times, simply means to control the press.”

How can you serve two masters – your Creator and your Government? The answer is that you cannot server two masters, therefore the Government had to create a system that tricks you into thinking you must serve them, where in fact, Governments must serve us, the people