Why Political Parties Suck

Follow me on Facebook!  – Democrats and Republicans need to stop blocking each other. One of these 3 groups is going to have power: large government, big money, or the people..seems to be big money with the power and influencing the government to get bigger but do what they want..It needs to be the people’s time. It’s our money, let’s govern ourselves. Washington is a zoo.

Special guest appearance: Joshua II – Credit downgrade panics wall street August 8 2011: DOW drops 600 more points, gold over $1750

Dow crashes more than 600 points today in biggest loss of year and gold is up over $1700 per ounce all stemming from US debt credit rating downgrade.


By: Joshua Gamen







Silver up almost 5% and gold up 2% IN 3 HOURS!!!!! There’s a leak in the dollar bubble and it looks to be on a seam! By: Joshua Gamen




US Debt downgraded from Stable to Negative

Joshua Gamen talks about Standard & Poor’s (S&P’s) downgrade of US Debt from stable to negative, and discusses how this will next lead to a downgrade from a AAA credit rating. This is due to the budget deficit and debt ceiling, looming government shutdown, and showdown in Washington between the Republicans and Democrats. These events are surging the prices of gold and silver and that will continue to happen.

The Recession is Over: BS! – Take II

By: Joshua Gamen

I am downright ticked off when I hear politicians say that the recession is over and that we are in a recovery. I understand what they are trying to do(gain votes), but it disturbs me when politicians play off of the naive, hard working Americans. I don’t like it when business people do it either. It seems every other commercial I see on TV now days is from an insurance or “investment” company, begging people to give them their money so that they can have a “bright future,” or “safe retirement.” Hear this: there is no shortcut. If it were so easy that you could just hand your money to someone until you retire and have them pay your retirement for you, the government would do that. Or wait, isn’t that what social security is? Then again, social security and medicare are estimated to be a $50-$60 TRILLION dollar time bomb! We will start to see in the near future that there is no money in these funds, as the massive demographic of baby boomers begins to try to retire. No, it’s just not that easy. If you want a brighter future and a cozy retirement, you need to be financially literate – understand how money works. A good first step would be to take notice that financial “advisers” are actually in fact, financial salespeople! And politicians will play off of whatever emotions they need to so that they can gain your vote, and along with it, power – for themselves and the ultra-rich of whom they represent.

The recession is not over. First of all, it’s a depression, the government just quit using the term after the the “Great Depression.” Unemployment is still soaring, the government manipulates the numbers and does not count the people that they don’t want to count, to manipulate the statistics so that they can brag about recovery to gain votes. US trade is not increasing either, and the world is moving away from the dollar. Countries are not buying US debt anymore. Housing prices are not seeing any stabilization, people still can’t get a mortgage and the number of foreclosures is still growing. I have yet to see one stat on CNN that suggests housing is rebounding that makes any sense to me, and I work in real estate every hour of every day! The only thing I hear that is up these days is luxury luggage, which is a clear indication of the only people profiting from these economic times are the rich. The middle class is being wiped out right now and it is time for that demographic to get their minds right and take action! Individually, the best thing you can do is get yourself educated. In this global economy where our dollar is drowning(which happens to be the reserve currency of the world), knowledge is the new currency.

Last month I wrote the post “BS: The recession is over.” – This month I would like to elaborate on some of the details.

When you look at the size of our deficit, the size of our debt, China getting out of dollars, Russia moving out of dollars, rich oil-producing countries moving out of the dollar, less global confidence in the dollar, China hoarding gold, it becomes obvious that these are trends that clearly show that we are a bigger credit risk than we have ever been. Our debt is absolutely out of control. Soon we will have debt that is 100% of our Gross Domestic Product. This means that our nation’s debt will be the same as the value of the goods and services that our whole nation produces in a year. These trends will effect our national security, our standing in the world, our quality of life, etc. We are headed towards financial instability. If we keep this up, the dollar will soon be removed from the world’s reserve currency. What’s more scary is I don’t see anything coming that is going to fix these problems.

Look at Obama’s budget, TRILLION dollar deficits FOREVER! Now I realize that some people do have faith in the dollar, but long term, when you look at countries like China, Japan and Russia moving out of the dollar, you have to see that the world is losing confidence in the US and in the dollar. We desperately need China and everyone else to buy our bonds. We operate on debt, if we can’t get people to buy our debt, we can’t operate! Our living standards are headed down and if we don’t do something soon, our living standards will never be the same.

Inevitably, I do believe we are going to see some changes in the near future. All you have to do is look at Obama’s popularity rating. What historically has created change has been president’s before them creating disasters. If you look at what created Ronald Reagen, what created Bill Clinton, even what created Obama, it is the President’s before them creating disasters to open up the minds of the people to vote in changes. Look at George Bush, he was an absolute disaster, so along came Obama. We got what we wanted, a bigger disaster! While American people will get bored with the details, they will demand change!

The change is going to have to be very different to create a successful shift. They are going to have to be committed to cutting our costs and shrinking the cost and size of the government. To shine some light on the disaster that is currently in the White House, we are trying to add a new entitlement(a guarantee of access to benefits based on established rights or by legislation) to healthcare. Are you freaking kidding me!!!??? If you are for this, I am sorry, but financially speaking you must be absolutely crazy! We can’t pay for any of the entitlements we already have! We can’t pay for medicare, we can’t pay for medicaid, social security is BROKE, literally. The freaking post office is broke! Everything is bankrupt, and we are adding a new entitlement???!!! Harry Reid(Senate Majority Leader) and  Nancy Pelosi(Speaker of the House of Representatives) are actually trying to get us to believe that we are going to cut the deficit doing this! CRAZY BS!

The American people need to demand an administration that is going to balls up and shrink the size and cost of government, shrink the debt, and shrink the deficit. Make no mistake, we are going to have huge pain in doing this. But I do believe the American people will pay the price if they understand the logic of what is needed. Nobody understands the logic of what is going on right now. I don’t claim to either. None of this makes any sense. The guys who created this mess are in Washington making speeches of what we need to do, that’s freaking BS!