Gas prices and the middle class

I have noticed lately it seems gas is most expensive in Ritzville and in the Hood. Life seems to be the same way – the rich and the poor stimulate the economy. Rather ..the rich and the poor are the economy, or so it seems. And the middle class always seems to find a way to separate themselves from it just a simple observation today..

Okay I’m not saying the middle class are not actuall part of the economy honestly that would be foolish. I’m just saying it seems that the rich buy the asset that the poor spend money on which are liabilities to the poor. The middle-class, the real middle-class, which is greatly shrinking and for the reasons I am talking about here(that and they are at or approaching retirement), stash their cash and avoid paying interest. In an economy that is entirely built on debt, very little is contributed financially outside of the fractional reserve dollars that they create by holding their money in savings. However, the real value created by these people is usually very high when you look at the quality of workmanship they produce in the small business sector. The rich and the government however beat the hell out of them. We have been seeing this especially in recent years with this bloodbath of the middle class.
