How much was the price of a gallon of gas before Obama took office?



By: Joshua Gayman

seriously ya’ll this has nothing to do with politics, only finance…

in response to all of the comments posted about how a gallon of gas was $1.81 or whatever when Obama took office: How about a gallon of gas hit $4.00 in 2007 when Bush(a Republican) was in office.

Economics lesson: when currency falls, commodities rise.

Hence, with the distaster in the EU from their fiat currency that has issued more debt than there is sufficient capital to pay back, the currency is losing value which pushes up things like gold, real estate, stocks, and OIL, amongst other things like sugar, corn, etc..

Thus, if you want to blame any one party or person for the price of oil rising, blame the central bankers ie: the Fed and the ECB(european central bank). They run BOTH parties anyways!!!

Until we think rationally TOGETHER(ie: both parties thinking of ways to work together to achieve a common goal of a higher quality of life for our nation and future generations), we are going to continue to get run over by the ultra rich and social elite.

Silver down as Dollar is propped up by Euro problems, but QE coming

News from the BRIC nations this week. News from the Federal Reserve… QE…..Spain…When will the madness end? Dollar again propped up in short term by Euro problems, but fundamentals point to a coming implosion of silver and gold prices. Bernanke breaks bread this week with Wall Street Bankers.

Euro crisis effects gold

When the Euro currency takes a hit it props up the dollar which brings down dollar cost of gold. But the european debt crisis is simply a symptom of the cancer that the global financial system has, thus it will eventually help destroy the dollar and send gold through the roof!


Grandpa’s explanation of the European Union Crisis and World Banks

They make it sound confusing, but it’s really simple.. Europe is screwed because they have too much bad debt and can’t pay their bills. Their banks have nothing to loan because they made bad investments. The Federal Reserve comes to the rescue just like they did in 2008 to the United States, in an effort to preserve their only product, DEBT…